Getting started with coaching

Complimentary Meet & Greet

You share an overview about your situation and ask questions you have about me and my approach to coaching

Decide & Discover

If it feels like a fit, we’ll decide on a coaching path, starting with a in depth discovery call where we dive into your story and start to chart your journey ahead

Commit & Create Change

We set a cadence that supports your growth and goals. Consistency and accountability are the building blocks for success

Identify what’s truly important to you

Determine the kind of leader you want to be

Set action steps and build the path to reach your goals

Quiet the voices of others and amplify your inner compass

What we’ll do together

What I’m currently learning

How to create an awe-filled life as a mom, partner and business owner.

What does that look like? Well, I’m still figuring it out but so far it looks like being present and curious for things like my 2 year old’s hug, a friend’s generosity, a client’s situation and a chat with a new neighbor. Making space for awe in these lets me experience moments of delight, gratitude, wonder, and connection with others and the world around me.